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This board contains subject matter a new member will need to get started and accustomed to the forum. Topics including rules, plots, FAQs, naming guide, warrior code, and a herb list for medicine cats will be posted here for user reference. Everything one would need to know about being a member on Imperfection is posted here.
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All announcements, news, and updates will be posted here to ensure our members are informed about the functioning and activity of our site.
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fourthrachychidis posted in (JD-0) 3Gp 4K Trực Tiếp Xem Tử Địa Skyfall Vtv1 Sept 19, 2021 18:42:15 GMT -6
You may use this board for any OOC discussions pertaining to the site or not, it is a free reign to chat about anything as long as it abides by the site rules, and the Proboards terms of service, so no mature content. Please keep swearing to a minimal as we like to project ourselves as a positive, and guest friendly site. Keep in mind to respect other people's opinions, and when presenting your own opinions please do so in a non aggressive way, remember we are an accepting and positive community! Located here are the introduction and departure boards as well.
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Have a suggestion that could improve our site? We'd love to hear from you! Please post here suggestions pertaining the the maintenance and functioning of the forum. Imperfection is a community that values it's members, and their opinions. Staff will take into consideration any suggestion that could enhance the quality of our forum, and improve the overall experience here.
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•Character Center•

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In order to start your cat's journey and role play them you must post their applications here for staff approval. Once approved, you may participate in role playing with that character. Located in this board you will find the application form, taken names list, and clan allegiance threads as well as the appropriate sub-boards for accepted applications. When posting your application, please use either WIP or complete at the end of your thread title to alert staff of the status of your application.
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This board is the place to come to add some depth to your character. You may post threads with plot ideas involving your character, and others may join in as well to plot with you. Whether it be about needing a mate, mentor, apprentice, kits, friends, or even enemies here is where you can plan out the events that will take place in your character's journey if you so choose. Members are encouraged to view this board from time to time to keep the role playing of our community alive, and are also encouraged to read other people's plot threads and join in.
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Post here character tracking threads to keep the progress of your character updated, and to keep organized the threads your character has participated in. Creating a character tracker is optional, but it is recommended to show the growth and development of your character, and lets other people get a more in depth look at your character if they are deciding to plot with you.
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Are you looking to adopt a character, put one up for adoption, or have a character as part of a plot that needs to be created and role played by someone? Post here to put those characters up for adoption then! Keep in mind that if you are adopting a character someone needs as part of a plot you will need to create and finish and application for them within three days of being accepted as an adopter. If you are adopting an already created character, you will not need to post a new application for them. Original creators may take back any characters they gave up for adoption if the person who adopted them became an inactive member for over a month, so please do not become inactive after adopting someone's character!
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•The Clans•

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ThunderClan is a mainly peaceful clan, but in battle have been known to be fierce, courageous, and loyal. They reside in a part of the forest that is primarily deciduous woodland. Their camp lies at the foot of a sandy ravine, protected by thornbushes. The camp is easy to defend, and hard to attack. Their territory also includes one of the largest trees in the forest; the great sycamore, the snakerocks, the sandy hollow, which is a training hollow with soft sand so apprentices don't hurt themselves, and the sunningrocks, a territory that used to belong to RiverClan.
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RiverClan cats are known for their amazing skill at fishing and love for water. They also love beautiful things, and are known to collect rocks, shells, and feathers to decorate their dens. They live on the reedy, pebbly plain near a river with very few trees. The RiverClan camp is a well-drained island surrounded by the river and reeds. The other Clan's fear of water means this camp has never been attacked. Territories for this clan include the river, the main source of food and protection to the clan, and the twoleg bridge, a bridge that was built by twolegs that allow the cats to go to Fourtrees when the river is high.
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WindClan cats are known for their love of open spaces, they live on open fields, or moorland, where they catch their main prey of hares and rabbits. Of all four clans, they are the least used to wet ground, preferring the grassy ground of the moors, which they sleep on. They do not like to sleep in the shelter of dens because they prefer the fresh air. They believe themselves to be the clan closest to StarClan, as they live closest to the moonstone and live in an environment that is not surrounded by trees to block their view of Silverpelt. The WindClan camp is tucked into a natural dip in the sandy moors. This makes the camp sheltered from wind, but easy to attack. Landmarks in this territory are an abandoned badger set, and Outlook Rock, a large rock on the border heading towards Fourtrees, from there everything can be seen across the moors.
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ShadowClan is a group of cats that live in the marshlands of the forest. They have always seemed to be the 'darker' clan, with fierce, more disagreeable warriors. They are proud, loyal, defensive, and slightly arrogant, often seem to be misunderstood and portrayed by the other clans as battle-hungry, aggressive, ambitious, and greedy for more territory. It is often said that the cold north winds chilled the ShadowClan warriors' hearts. The ShadowClan territory is much different than the others, instead of thick trees, there's more pine needles and also hardly any grass as the ground is muddy and cool. Their camp is a dark, well-concealed hollow hidden deep in shadows surrounded by prickly and fierce brambles. Other territories include the Carrionplace, the Thunderpath tunnel, and the Burnt Sycamore, an ancient tree struck by lightning moons ago. Apprentices are trained there to hunt at night and stalk through undergrowth.
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StarClan are the deceased warrior ancestors of the clans who live on in spirit form after dying, and watch over the living clan cats. There is no specific leader for StarClan, since there are many cats from all four clans that work together. They are responsible for sending signs and omens to the living cats. Cats are only allowed to join StarClan when they die if they have lived an honorable life and followed the warrior code. Each star in the night sky, also known as Silverpelt, represents a deceased clan cat who has joined the ranks of their ancestors in spirit form.
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Sunningrocks is located at the very border of RiverClan and ThunderClan. It is a large, flat rock formation in full view of the sun, getting very warm, therefore it is a desirable location for warriors to go on break or for elders to get out and stretch their legs. The Sunningrocks used to be a RiverClan territory moons back as it used to be an island in the middle of the river that only RiverClan could reach by their willingness to swim. After a flood, however, the river changed course and connected the Sunningrocks with ThunderClan's territory, and they claimed it as their own. Ever since, RiverClan has fought with ThunderClan for the Sunningrocks, but neither can manage to hold on to it for very long.
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•Other Territories•

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If this is your first time advertising on Warriors: Imperfection, post here! Are you interested in affiliating with us? Great! Our rules for affiliation can be found here too.
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